A complete guide on how to choose lighting for your home.

Welcome to this Wiki page! If you are new here, you should know one thing: wikipelli pages are "highways" that take you to all the articles related to the topic of interest to you. In this tollbooth you can find all the roads that will lead you to discover in more detail everything you need to know about lighting for your home and business!

From lighting for the bedroom, to the right lights for the bathroom to lighting for the dining table and lighting for your company, restaurant or office. In this WIKI you will discover:

(The lighting study is a service we provide only to customers who entrust us with the finishing of their entire home or who turn to us for a turnkey renovation of their bathroom)


Modern living room lighting in Vicenza

Lighting: natural or artificial light?

Light shapes the world. Choosing a chandelier, a lamp or a spotlight may seem simple, but you need to know that the lighting you choose for your home will significantly change the ambience, the colours, the depth of the furniture and the spaces, and even determine emotions and sensations.

Think of a room lit with a central, warm incandescent light bulb and then a room lit by only LED bars: it feels very different, doesn't it? You will have imagined the room very differently and will have associated different emotions with these two environments. So even the use of natural and artificial light makes you 'breathe' in two different ways! 

Natural light in the home can soothe the soul and transmit profound calm if it is dosed well. But too much light can blind you, heat up the room and have a bleaching effect on the furniture. It is therefore necessary to know how to manage it at best and how to recover when it becomes oppressive.

We discuss this in this article: natural or artificial light?

Step lights for modern staircases in Torrebelvicino, Vicenza

Lighting the kitchen

In the kitchen, a good amount of light is necessary to carry out activities in this area. But, especially in open space environments, we must try not to exaggerate with the amount of light fixtures we install: we risk annoying those who are trying to relax on the sofa in the evening and creating ugly reflections on the television, preventing the pleasant viewing of a film. So we need to calculate the amount of light, the 'hue' of the light, the direction it should take and what it might reflect on.

We believe that our lighting designs are successful when they meet the requirements of efficiency and comfort and, at the same time, enhance objects, architecture, materials and surfaces. In short, scenic ability and functionality to warm your soul when you return home in the evening and start preparing a good meal for the family. 

You can read more about it in this article: kitchen lighting

LED lighting in a modern kitchen in Vicenza

Lighting the dining table

The same study of light quantity, direction and diffusion must be thought about before choosing the design of the chandelier for the dining table. Generally we will opt for a pendant lamp that illuminates the dining area well, without exaggerating in light intensity.

An interesting and modern solution is to use lamps with LED bars, which can be combined into interesting and very avant-garde geometric designs.

But we present you with several options in the dedicated articlelighting the dining table

Pendant lamps on dining table in Vicenza

Bathroom lighting

Did you know that we have been designing and building bathrooms for 50 years? Do you want ideas for choosing lights to go with the mirror? Well, we also have some experience on how to organise light in the bathroom, but we have made a few mistakes.

In this article we tell you everything about lighting in the bathroom: the study of lighting technology, temperature, colour rendering, position of lights and much more.

Read the full article to study lighting in your bathroom:  lighting the bathroom

LED lighting in a modern bathroom in Verona

Illuminated shower niches

These are now one of our great classics when creating bathrooms and showersilluminated niches. Created thanks to the work of our plasterers, they are not only aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but are also functional to support all your aesthetic products! The old aluminium supports to be attached to the corner of the shower cubicle will no longer spoil the design and style of your bathroom.

As well as in the shower, niches can also be made inside the bathroom instead of buying dedicated shelves or bathroom furniture, or in other rooms of the house such as the bedroom, living room and kitchen.

Find out all about it in this article: the bathroom: more valuable with a lighted niche

Illuminated niche in a modern shower in Vicenza

Lighting and colour therapy

Did you know that a jet of red light can help you overcome physical fatigue? That orange can help your self-esteem? And that blue light has a calming and reassuring effect? This is why many companies in various social networks incorporate blue or light blue in their logos. Colours have a strong emotional and symbolic value. So they can be used to our advantage, for example during a relaxing shower or by incorporating coloured lighting in the bedroom.

As well as illuminating spaces, light can also balance moods, help ward off anxiety or give energy: all thanks to the skilful combination of colours known as colour therapy. 

We talk about it in this article: Chromotherapy: business or real well-being?

Shower lighting and chromotherapy for a sauna in Vicenza

Bedroom lighting

Finding the right lighting for your bedroom is essential to make it a comfortable place to rest at night and get up pleasantly each morning before facing the day. In our opinion the best option is to work on layered lighting: it is not enough just to place a light in the middle of the room to solve and create an interesting look, you need to create several lighting points that meet in a harmonious whole.

Let's count how much natural light enters the room during the day and how much is missing, and then think about how many lamps or pendant lights to place in order to best illuminate the room at night. Generally in this environment we will aim at a diffuse and welcoming light aura, which accompanies sleep and allows the body to relax.

Read more about this in this article: Light: bedroom lighting

Lighting for a modern bedroom in an attic in Vicenza

Offices lighting

Office lighting is important: it is the environment in which we and our staff spend the most time throughout the day. Lighting must be designed in such a way that it is regulated by the biological clock and helps to maintain physical and psychological well-being. 

A pleasant space helps to work better, allows greater concentration and reduces stress. To ensure this, light and shade points must prioritise functionality while taking into account the aesthetic appeal of the working environment.

Read more: Ilighting in offices

Illuminazione per uffici ad Arzignano, Vicenza

Restaurant lighting

When it comes to hospitality, lighting plays a very important role, more so than you might think. If you have a bar or restaurant you might offer delicious food and refreshing drinks, but if the lighting isn't right the customer won't stay long. Lighting creates atmosphere, regulates the mood and can relax you as well as make you feel nervous and stressed. The aim is to use light to create an environment that encourages people to stay as long as possible.

In addition, lights determine a person's orientation: just as when we are on the street the street lamps show us the way, so in bars the brightest points invite people to approach and direct themselves. We therefore try to illuminate our 'focal points' more and, taking into account space, design, target group and setting, opt for different lighting. 

Generally, the lighting in bars is different from that in restaurants. As bars normally convey entertainment, the use of coloured lights is much more common. Restaurants, on the other hand, require more subdued lighting that creates a more relaxed atmosphere: we will opt for warm, comfortable lighting that makes customers feel welcome.

Read more about this:  how to light a restaurant

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