A VIP turnkey service reserved for our customers

Turnkey renovations

The Fratelli Pellizzari Atelier Casa service is reserved for just a few customers (one per month) with whom we agree to manage the entire renovation and furnishing of the house, shop or office. 

Let Marina, one of our customers, tell you about it:

atelier Casa Pellizzari


Atelier Casa Pellizzari: contract, turnkey in Vicenza and Verona

As Marina writes, if you rely on us for this service we will manage the turnkey renovation of the property you entrust to us. This means that we will supply all the products and also the operators who will install them with an all-inclusive contract at a fixed price. This is what we call "contract work" and what we can do for the provinces of Vicenza and Verona.

The advantage? Having a single interlocutor, Fratelli Pellizzari, who takes care of everything: from demolition to false ceilings, from plant engineering to flooring, from the supply of furniture to the study and supply of lighting.
All signed:


Atelier Casa Fratelli Pellizzari


Some of our renovations in Vicenza and Verona:

Renovation, flooring and furniture in Vicenza

Complete renovation of a penthouse in Arzignano (Vicenza)

Floors, furniture and lighting in a house in Vicenza

Kitchen, bathrooms and floors in a house in Vicenza

Turnkey furnishing and renovation in Arzignano (Vicenza)

Construction of a turnkey swimming pool in Valdagno (Vicenza)

Flooring and furnishing of new offices in Vicenza

House renovation in Arzignano

Offices renovation in Arzignano

How to become a Pellizzari Atelier Casa customer

We have dedicated some of our interior designers to the "atelier casa" project by forming two teams: one for the Arzignano office and one for the Gambellara office.


Do you need a deposit?

To access the services of Atelier casa Fratelli Pellizzari :

If you have already been a Fratelli Pellizzari customer for the last 10 years, you can simply make an appointment and we will start designing for you, without asking for anything.
The fact that you are already a client gives you access to these services because you know our quality standard and we can start working immediately with mutual trust.

If you have never been a client before, we will ask for a deposit of between 1,000 and 2,500 euros, depending on the project.
This deposit will be refunded if you decide to buy the floors and bathrooms from us as well.


Who to contact?

You can choose the Arzignano or Gambellara offices:

► ARZIGNANO: An appointment must be arranged in the Arzignano shop with Chiara (designer and head of the "atelier casa" team at the Arzignano office) and Alberto (site technician).
► GAMBELLARA: An appointment has to be fixed in the shop in Gambellara with Andrea (designer and manager of the "atelier casa" team at the Gambellara site) and Sergio (site technician).

Here is an example of a living room and kitchen project

New house or renovation? Make your appointment!

Per fissare un appuntamento in una delle nostre sedi a Gambellara o Costo di Arzignano, in provincia di Vicenza, compila il seguente modulo e ti ricontatteremo entro breve.

Dove vuoi fissare l'appuntamento?
Mi interessa
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