We enter this house and are greeted by the warmth of a wood... all to be discovered. Modern materials designed and combined to make the rooms elegant, ready for this tour?

New house in Camisano Vicentino

Hello! I am Maria Carollo, designer at Fratelli Pellizzari in Costo di Arzignano. In telling you about this house, I will take you with me to see all the rooms in this house in Camisano Vicentino, in the province of Vicenza, which I designed and built together with Chiara Pellizzari.

A couple who felt the need for more space, both for themselves and for their two daughters, young teenage girls, and who contacted us to choose the floors, bathrooms and furnishings for their new home. Right from the start they made it clear that this would be the home they would live in until their old age, so the materials had to be practical and of high quality.

These initial requirements led to the long and exciting process that led to the final result, which I am happy to be able to tell you about and show you in this article.


Take the full tour of the house:

European oak parquet laid in Italian herringbone pattern

I'll start telling you about this house from the centrepiece: the floor!

I told you in the introduction that when you open the door of the house you are immediately enveloped by the warmth of a special wooden floor... but let's go and discover its characteristics.

The undisputed star is this one, a varnished and very shaded European oak floor which has been laid in the Italian herringbone pattern. A parquet floor worked with surface brushing and treated with a sanitising varnish that protects the floor, and its inhabitants, from bacteria and mould.

I remember that it was not an immediate choice for the client to floor her new home with a dark colour, as the indecision between light and dark floors is one of the constants when building a house. But when she looked at this floor and combined it with the other furnishings, she fell in love with the warm shades and the shading that makes some of the planks much lighter, almost honey-like.
Her husband, on the other hand, was immediately enthusiastic: love at first sight!

Intrigued by this particular laying, which he already imagined would emphasise the rooms in his house, we tried to convince his wife that the result would be a perception of a larger space.

Some time after the pose she told us that:

I was right to listen to your advice, everyone who comes in is amazed by this wood.

And what do you think?

The newly laid wooden floor

Italian herringbone parquet

Wooden floor in living area

Bathroom living area: wood and wallpaper

We walk towards the bathroom in the living area and are immediately captivated by a detail that does not go unnoticed: the door flush with the wall has been covered in wallpaper, the same paper that we will find on the interior walls, almost as if it were an anticipation for the guests who will use this small but essential bathroom.

On entering, we find ourselves faced with an important wall which we have embellished, in the lower part, with the same wood on the floor in the Italian herringbone pattern which rises up to form the background to the bathroom furniture, and in the upper part with nature-themed wallpaper which gives continuity to the room. A perfect combination of two completely different materials which together give an elegant, natural result.

The decision to have a minimalist bathroom in the living area led us to recommend a few well-considered accessories to the clients: a suspended ceramic toilet and a pedestal washbasin, reminiscent of the basins of the past, both finished in matt white. The details, which we are convinced always make a difference, we thought of as contrasting using a matt black finish.

The furnishing composition ends with a round mirror with a simple and clean design.

The newly finished bathroom in the living area

Bathroom with wallpaper and wood panelling

Enter the living area bathroom

Girls' bathroom: large stoneware slabs and cementine

We are now going to look at the only room in this house where we did not enter with wood flooring. The client's request was for a practical bathroom, easy to clean and with a design suitable for two teenage girls.

Large porcelain stoneware slabs with a metal effect, in the 60x120 size, envelop the room, creating a very intimate atmosphere. To break this balance, we opted for Black&White cementine to cover the upper part of the wall, the cabinet and the two large niches which house the products used in the shower and in the sanitaryware area.

If you have already read some of the other articles I have written about our creations, you will know that we love working with niches, decorating them, lighting them and positioning them in strategic places in the bathroom. In this case too, in fact, LED profiles have been prepared to embellish the practical compartments.

Want to know more? Click here: illuminated niches in the bathroom

The taps you see are in satin-finish stainless steel, and in the walk-in shower the detail that stands out is the opaque white hose of the hand shower, which matches the lighter colour of the decorated covering.

The girls' bathroom in preparation

Modern bathroom with cementine

Let's open the girl's bathroom door

Bathroom night area: stoneware and wood

We are now in the master bathroom, where we used an aged plaster-effect stoneware in shades of light grey but with hints of hazelnut that chromatically link the wooden floor with the large slabs of wall tiles.

The shower tray in the walk-in shower was also made of the same stoneware and brought flush with the floor, creating a really beautiful combination of materials. 

Did you know that you can make your own shower tray out of tiles? Read here: stoneware shower tray

I mentioned earlier that we like niches and that our customers themselves confirm their practicality, which is why we created one inside the shower in this bathroom too.
Always following our philosophy of consistency of materials, the taps in this bathroom were chosen in the same finish as those in the girls' bathroom.

The bathroom in the sleeping area is almost finished

Wood and large slabs bathroom in the bedroom

Follow me into the sleeping area bathroom

Thank you!

I would like to thank our clients who have relied on our advice to design their new home. We have created a good dialogue between their needs and our solutions, which has led to this result.
And thanks to you, who read my story... I hope it was useful and gave you good ideas for idealising your own home.

If you have any technical questions about the materials you have seen in this article, write them in the comments box at the bottom of the page.
If, on the other hand, you are looking for a company to take care of the design and construction of your new home, and you think that we are just what you need, you can make an appointment in the form below indicating the day and time you prefer!

We are a team of designers in a small family-run business with a passion for made-to-measure furniture and Italian-made products, so it is difficult for us to be economical, also because we provide a series of services that are "included in the price", including consultancy, design and inspections.

You should also be aware that we only carry out projects in the provinces of Vicenza, Verona and Padua. If your new home is in these areas, you can make an appointment in one of our two shops.

Here are the addresses of our shops specialising in floors, wall tiles, bathrooms and kitchens:

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36071 COSTO DI ARZIGNANO (Vicenza) 

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36053 GAMBELLARA (Vicenza)

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Do you want to design your home with coherence and style? Make your appointment here:

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