The charm of a wooden floor will welcome you every day, it will contribute more than anything else to creating the familiar atmosphere of your home and you will appreciate, for many years, the warmth when you walk on it and the texture of the grains. In our shops in the province of Vicenza, you will find a space dedicated to parquet and many settings from which to choose your wooden floor. Here, on this page, you'll find many projects, but also useful information for both the purchase and maintenance of parquet, the problems that can arise and the mistakes not to make.
In short: a real guide to the world of wooden floors. 

Parquet and wood flooring in Vicenza and Verona

Are you looking for a wooden floor? Would you like to install wooden parquet in your home?

We are ready to give you advice, ideas and suggestions on wooden floors both here and in the large spaces inside the two Costo shops in Arzignano (Vicenza) and Gambellara (Vicenza), in two areas of the showroom dedicated specifically to parquet. 

Wood flooring: what types?

We have been dealing with wooden floors since the days of solid wood, and we have followed the technological evolution and changes in the wood market that have led to the advent of the pre-finished wooden floor - do you prefer two-layer or three-layer? 

Wood flooring: which wood species?  

When choosing your wooden floor, you need to decide not only on the type of floor but also on the wood species to be used. To make this choice you need to take into account both aesthetic and technical reasons. 
You should look for a parquet floor that has a colour that matches the rest of the colours in the house, that ties in with the mood of the house. 
But you will also have to take technical aspects into account: some types of wood are more resistant to scratching or moisture than others:

Read alsoParquet: browse the essences

Thorn-laid walnut flooring

Wooden flooring: laying

We know that laying a parquet floor is much more complex and risky than laying a ceramic floor. That is why we have carefully selected for you the best parquet suppliers but also the best installers in the Vicenza and Verona areas. 

Over many years we have laid thousands of square metres of wooden floors for interiors and exteriors in the provinces of Vicenza, Verona and in the municipalities of these two provinces. These floors maintain their beauty, year after year, and testify to our care and attention to the final result. 

You can find some of these projects at the end of this page...

Wooden floors and screeds

We are also able to make screeds, i.e. the support layer where the wooden floor will be glued, and we (strongly) advise you to read the articles we have dedicated to this fundamental element of flooring. 

Read also: the screed for parquet

Tongue and groove flooring in dark oak

Quality prefinished wooden floor

We know that the durability of a wooden floor is the result of an optimal combination of many factors: it is important that the tree was cut in the right season, that it was dried in a natural way and with patience, that it was worked with respect to the times and with adhesives, finishing varnishes or oils able to protect it. It is important that it has undergone a correct anti-moth treatment, which preserves its durability over time.

But it is equally important that the substances used to produce it are not harmful, that the adhesives do not release volatile substances, that the woodworm-proofing is not toxic for those who sleep on it for many hours and that the varnishes or oils do not cause problems. 


Wood flooring: advice

As you browse through the articles on this website, you will find tips on how to avoid problems with wooden floors.

We'll also tell you about the little things you can do when laying a wooden floor. With the right care, your wooden floor will last a long time.

We'll explain the environmental conditions that need to be taken into account when laying your floor. We'll show you how long it takes, what kind of adhesives are needed for the wooden floor, what conditions and characteristics the screed screed should have, taking into account the curing time of the screed and the residual moisture.

And we'll explain how to maintain your wooden floor:

Read alsocleaning parquet

Rustic oak flooring

Laying of wooden floors

We have gained much experience throughout the years of laying wooden floors and we know which essences to recommend, as well as guiding you between various decisions you will have to make:

  • Which essence of wooden parquet? Is walnut to oak better?
  • Parquet finishing: better oiled or varnished?
  • Which treatment should be used for a wooden floor?
  • Can you lay a wooden floor in the bathroom?
  • How do I maintain a wooden floor?
  • Which wooden floor to use outdoors?

Wooden flooring guaranteed for 10 years

We will answer these and other questions and guarantee that your Fratelli Pellizzari hardwood floor  will last many decades… speaking of guarantees: we would like to emphasize that Fratelli Pellizzari, thanks to its fifty years of experience in the production of wooden floors in the provinces of Vicenza and Verona guarantees its work fo 10 years!

Wooden Floors laid in Vicenza and Verona

We have described some of our creations of wooden parquet floors and they have become in-depth articles. The following 7 articles are laid wood interventions which we carried out between Verona and Vicenza.

Have fun discovering the style which you like the most and would fit in your house the best.


  1.  A Hand-Planed Oak Floor In Cornedo Vicentino (Vicenza)

  2. Woodflooring in Arzignano Offices

  3. Wooden wall in an office building in Chiampo (Vicenza)

  4. Pavimento in noce in un attico ad Arzignano (Vicenza)
  5. Pavimento in legno in una casa a Montecchio Maggiore (Vicenza)
  6. Pavimento in legno a spina pesce in un attico ad Arzignano (Vicenza)
  7. Pavimento in legno di noce in una casa a Verona

More photos of wooden floors laid by us below:

Wood flooring laid in Chiampo (Vicenza): heat-treated oak

Rustic oak flooring

Oak flooring in Vicenza - Brendola

Dark oak wood flooring

Bleached oak floor and wall tiles

Hand planed wooden floor in Vicenza - Arzignano

Antique larch wood flooring in Vicenza - Arzignano

Hungarian herringbone wooden floor in Verona

Wall cladding: bleached and planed oak. In Chiampo - Vicenza

Hungarian herringbone parquet in Vicenza

Whitened oak floors in Vicenza

Teak wood flooring in Vicenza - Arzignano

Hungarian herringbone bleached oak in Vicenza

Elm wood flooring laid in Vicenza - Gambellara

Hungarian walnut wood flooring in Arzignano - Vicenza

Bleached oak as a pre-finished industrial floor in Vicenza - Arzignano

Here are our contacts

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36071 COSTO DI ARZIGNANO (Vicenza) 

[email protected]

We work by appointment to be able to fully dedicate ourselves to you

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36053 GAMBELLARA (Vicenza)

[email protected]

We work by appointment to be able to fully dedicate ourselves to you


Posa un pavimento in legno certificato 10 anni nella tua casa a Vicenza o Verona

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