On average, we look at ourselves in the mirror 10 times a day...

The bathroom mirror

If the kitchen is the space for "us", for being together, the bathroom is the space for "yourself", the place where you look in the mirror and are finally yourself. In front of the mirror, we have made great promises, given ourselves goals and commitments, often insulted each other, but just as often winked at and complimented ourselves. 

If it is true what a recent research says, an Italian looks in the mirror on average 10 times a day. But what does the Italian look for in the mirror?
They check for wrinkles (32%) but also dark circles, blackheads, pimples... and then the accumulation of fat (here men beat women, demonstrating that vanity is now bisexual). 

In short, the mirror seems to be an accessory that is anything but secondary. For us, who have made the design and construction of bathrooms our core business, the mirror is also important from the point of view of helping to improve the aesthetics of the bathroom, being one of the most important elements of the bathroom furniture.

In this WIKI you will find:


How to choose a bathroom mirror?

There are many mirrors available for the bathroom, some of which you can see in the photo gallery below. The mirror should be chosen in combination with the other elements of the bathroom furniture and should be consistent with the shapes chosen for the wall coverings. But - if well thought out - it can also be a contrast, like a baroque mirror in a minimalist bathroom.  

We discuss this in detail in this article: the bath mirror

A well-executed bathroom plan (and a photorealistic rendering) will help you understand the impact of choosing this important accessory. Good choice! 

Mirror for a special bathroom in Vicenza


In addition to coming to our shops and ordering a new mirror, you can take advantage of our showroom exchanges and take home at a lower price items from displays or wrong orders, still in excellent condition and ready to be brought into your home!

Enter the outlet and find the right deal for you:   mirrors outlet

Round mirror for a bathroom in Vicenza

Large mirror in a bathroom in Vicenza

Full-height mirror for a bathroom in Arzignano, Vicenza

Two classic-style mirrors for a house in Montecchio, Vicenza

Rectangular mirror flush with the wall for a bathroom in Vicenza

Two backlit mirrors in a house in Vicenza

Rustic-style bathroom mirror, Vicenza

Two differently styled mirrors for two bathrooms in Nogarole, Vicenza

Rectangular mirror for a bathroom in Arzignano, Vicenza

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