Today, together with Andrea and Yasmine, we enter Eleonora and Manuel's house to see the projects for the bathrooms in the house, created together with Giulia, which have finally been completed. Two very special and completely different projects: a wood and a black and white environment. Will the client be satisfied?

Hello! I'm Andrea Ferrari and, together with Yasmine, today we are going to visit Eleonora, a client whom we followed with our colleague Giulia a few years ago in the realisation of the bathrooms in her house.

Two very special and unassuming bathrooms, which best express the personality of Eleonora - she also is an interior designer with a sparkling and bold personality - and her partner Manuel.

When the time came for the couple to renovate their home a few years ago, they decided to rely directly on me and the team, giving us practically carte blanche, at their own risk...
Those who have worked with me are no longer surprised when I ask them to put a train in the shower or a slab in the ceiling. So I get a lot of extravagant ideas, but it is difficult for me to realise them. Here there was a chance to create something out of the box, something that would respect all the functions of a bathroom and be practical, but at the same time would amaze and be memorable for those who entered, as well as something that would reflect the personality of the people who live in the house.

Certainly an interesting challenge and a highly creative project not suitable for everyone, but who knows, it might convince you too to create something unusual for your own home. Without further ado, I invite you to sit down on the bidets at home and take a look at your surroundings! 


Have Andrea tell you about the bathrooms

The bathrooms designs

I knew Eleonora by sight when she asked me to design the bathrooms in her house, and I found myself dealing with a creative volcano working in the same field as me, but who at the same time wanted to leave the design free of particular constraints. She told me she wanted to bring a "forest" back into his home, she wanted something special and in a way unforgettable. 

With the help of Giulia, who took care of the bathroom furnishings, we designed a living area bathroom that would give concrete form to Eleonora's woodland fantasies and an impactful night area bathroom, characterised by a play on symmetries, lines and the mix of black and white. Both are fitted with large full-height porcelain stoneware slabs, which increase the impact of the room on those entering and make the walls seem higher, but they travel on two completely different conceptual and artistic tracks. 

Other projects and ideas for your bathroom with large slabs: bathroom projects with large slabs

Home bathroom projects

A 'woodland' bathroom

In the living room bathroom we tend to exaggerate from a graphic point of view: here it is more common to look for creative and different solutions that can amaze the house guests. However, a certain degree of functionality is expected: we must not forget that design, even the most extravagant, lives in function and in close cooperation with practicality. A 'strange bathroom' that cannot be used as a bathroom, in short, is just a decorated room! 

So here we have given life to the idea of a forest with large decorated slabs that reproduce its texture, giving a sense of depth to the wall on which the coloured freestanding washbasin rests, with wall-mounted steel taps. If you look more closely, you almost have the feeling that, at any moment, something might pop out behind the tree trunks (if the idea of having someone in the shower with you doesn't appeal, I would avoid it), and in general we can say that the main sensation is that of no longer being in a bathroom, even though its functions are respected, but in another dimension.

Inside the walk-in shower, on the other hand, we opted for wood-effect stoneware tiles that cover the walls, the shower tray, the coping and even the ceiling! The niche that houses the shower cubicle has been lowered to create a more enveloping and enclosed feeling, with a vague reference to mountain huts and a clear reference to tree trunks. It is completed by a customised trunk-shaped seat and accessories chosen by the customer.

Bagni strani Vicenza


The rest of the bathroom is covered with very soft, large-format slate stone-effect tiles, the colour of which is taken up by the radiator with its monolithic design. The colour of the sanitary ware is the same as that of the washbasin. Eleonora tells us that the colour of the toilet bowl cover unfortunately has the disadvantage of removing itself despite the measures taken, and she wouldn't buy it again now. For the rest, she continues to love this bathroom in its particularity and appreciates the statuesque beauty of the large slabs, as well as their practicality in cleaning and maintaining the hygiene of a space which, although private, is used by external guests.

Although small, thanks to the decoration, this bathroom acquires depth and three-dimensionality. It doesn't make you feel like you're inside something enclosed, but allows you room to breathe and move, giving you a different experience from all other guest bathrooms.

Wallpaper or stoneware to decorate your bathroom? Get advice: wallpaper or large decorated ceramic slabs?

A trip to the nature bathroom

The bathroom in large black and white slabs

In the bathroom of the night area the music changes completely. We play on black and white, mixed but divided to create two distinct areas of the bathroom: one dedicated to water represented by black, the other white with sanitary ware and the bathroom cabinet. The original idea was to create a little treasure chest that would make you feel you were in "a world apart", a surreal environment that would leave you amazed and manage to cancel out time and space. This is exactly the feeling you get when you enter today.

The bathtub and shower, the water areas, are therefore covered with anthracite metal effect stoneware in large format tiles. Despite the apparent hardness of the metal, the feeling is more like that of a relaxing spa, where you lose track of the minutes and can concentrate on your well-being. The black paint on the ceiling and the LED track, which shows the two opposite sides of the coin, make the division even clearer. The distinctive trapezoid bathtub, complete with a modern stainless steel mixer with black hose, breaks up the linearity of the division and makes the room a little more dynamic, while also allowing comfortable sitting. 

Bagno bianco e nero Vicenza
Bagno bianco e nero
Bagno bianco e nero Vicenza

The subdivision of colours has given a lot of depth to this unique bedroom bathroom. Turning to the white side of the room, we find white Carrara marble-effect stoneware tiles with a strong visual impact. Here we find a strictly white bathroom cabinet with a countertop washbasinn and wall-mounted steel taps, surmounted by a large circular mirror which contrasts with the hard lines of the rest of the bathroom, as does the softly shaped basin and round sanitary ware.

The game of contrasts is not only played out in terms of colour, but also in terms of shape and size. This is identified as a bathroom with character, dynamic, with well-defined proportions and clean lines. An elegant and at times austere ambience with a strong and sophisticated personality, which will always make the moment of wellness an occasion.

Attracted by black and white bathrooms? Find inspiration in this article: the black and white bathroom

Black & white bathroom

Thank you!

Thank you for reading this article realisation! I hope you enjoyed it and that it sparked your creativity. If you have any doubts or questions you can write to me below using the comments box. If, on the other hand, you would like to make an appointment to renovate your bathrooms and your home use the form below, we will be happy to accompany you on this difficult but beautiful journey!

Keep in mind, however, that we are a small company, a team of interior designers. We like to find the right solutions and work with the most beautiful and newest products, preferring the Made in Italy to everything else, so it is difficult for us to use cheap products because we provide a range of services that are "included in the price" including advice, design, inspections ... Also: 

  • We can do very few jobs in a year: on average a dozen turnkey jobs;
  • We do not have the capacity to do jobs with immense sizes;
  • Nor can we move too far from Vicenza-Verona.

This is because we have to provide the right assistance to jobs and customers. That's why I'm already warning you that if you have to do floors thousands of metres long or if the site is far from Vicenza and Verona, the areas where we operate, it's very likely that I'll suggest another colleague. If, on the other hand, you live or will live in these provinces, you can visit us in our shops and we will be happy to design your home together. 

Here are the addresses of our shops specialising in floors, walls, bathrooms and kitchens:

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36071 COSTO DI ARZIGNANO (Vicenza) 

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36053 GAMBELLARA (Vicenza)

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Make an appointment:

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