Once upon a time there was a radiator. White, cast iron, placed in a niche under the window. Then came aluminium which, in the tubular version, led to reduced space and greater lightness, but the aesthetics still left something to be desired. Today, with steel radiators, we can give the heating elements the most varied shapes and turn them into furnishing objects. They are called decorative radiators.

The bathroom radiator

On this WIKI page we collect documentation, photos, tips and ideas about bathroom radiators. The decorative radiator, as its name suggests, has become an important element of bathroom furniture. Some of them are real sculptures to be hung on the wall. From a functional point of view they are an aid to heating the bathroom in both electric and hydraulic versions. 



Decorative radiator Vicenza and Verona shop

Types of decorative radiators

Decorative radiators can be classified according to whether they are:

  • vertical or horizontal
  • with or without towel rails
  • steel or aluminium or glass
  • electric or hydraulic or hybrid

But that's not all...

There are heated towel rails with horizontal shelves to hold bath towels, and others made of mirrored glass which allow us to check our clothes in the morning before going out.

Mirrored bathroom decorative radiator

What material for your radiator?

Aluminium, steel, glass, wood... there are many materials available to choose from for your new radiator.

One of the latest innovations is the laminated glass radiator, combined with electric heating plates. Once switched on, the energy is transformed into heat that is emitted in the form of long-wave infrared rays. There are glass radiators that can not only heat but also become a lamp for your bathroom, producing a soft light thanks to an integrated LED device.

But the wooden radiator is also spectacular. This also only exists in an electric version. Not only does it heat the room, but thanks to the resin in the wood it also smells good. It is made from debarked cedar wood, and the scent of wood and resin makes the atmosphere very pleasant. The edges are irregular and the grain is left natural.

Decorative radiator with shelves

What are the best radiators? 

The best known companies on the market are Antrax, Tubes, Runtal and Cordivari. The ones that in our opinion best meet the quality requirements and also have a fair price/quality ratio are Antrax and Cordivari

Bathroom decorative radiator with opening towel rail

Bathroom decorative radiator with towel rail


In addition to coming to our shops and ordering a new heating unit, you can take advantage of our showroom exchanges and take home at a lower price elements from the showroom or wrong orders, still in excellent condition and ready to be brought into your home!

Enter the outlet and find the right deal for you:  DECORATIVE RADIATOR AND RADIATORS OUTLET  

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