All the information about Prun stone floors, the stone of our area: the types of laying and some photos of our achievements

Prun Stone

In the hills of Lessinia lies a limestone known as Pietra di Prun. It comes from a very distant past and for hundreds of years it has been quarried and used to build walls, to cover dwellings, to sculpt fountains and wells, to mark boundaries and also (and above all) as paving both indoors and outdoors. 

It is also known as Lessinia Stone and is widely used in the Vicenza and Verona areas thanks to its aesthetics and cost that is equal or even lower than a good stoneware tile. 

In this WIKI we will deal with the subject leaving you articles and achievements related to the topic. In particular, you can read:

Cava pietra di Prun in Lessinia


Lessinia stone for entrance in Verona

Extraction of Prun stone

Prun Stone was extracted from the mountains of Lessinia long before the Roman Empire, although it was with the Empire that it spread throughout the peninsula. When the Serenissima Republic expanded into the mainland between 1400 and 1500, Prun Stone was traded and used to pave buildings, churches and external avenues on a massive scale. 

Lastre di pietra della lessinia in una antica cava
Slabs of Lessinia stone near an ancient quarry

Extraction used to be complex and involved digging tunnels into the mountain (some of which have been preserved and can be visited) while today, thanks to modern technology, it is easier to excavate from above. 

Read more about it in this interesting article: Prun or lessinia stone: history and characteristics

Prun stone laid on an exterior in Vicenza

Lessinia stone: description

The Lessinia stone is a limestone containing many fossils, consisting almost entirely of calcite. The structure of Lessinia stone is densely stratified with even thin staterels, it has a nodular structure and is characterised by the presence of fossils, especially large ammonites, and has frequent earthy and clayey inclusions. It is easily divided into slabs by splitting the blocks in planes parallel to the stratification.


percorso all

The effort required to split the stone is relatively low due to the presence of earth inclusions between layers. The surface of the slabs obtained by splitting are rather undulating due to the limestone nodules present, which are a typical feature of the stone. 

Discover how this natural stone is used in the architecture of Lessinia: architecture of Lessinia

Prun stone path in Vicenza

Lessinia stone: processing

Once split, the stone can be used as it is (and it will be called "Pietra della Lessinia a splacco") or it can be worked to obtain different surfaces.
Depending on the processing we have therefore

  • Brushed Lessinia Stone;
  • Polished Lessinia stone;
  • Rolled Lessinia stone;
  • Bush-hammered Lessinia stone.

Lessinia stone in an external floor in Verona

Prun stone: treatment and cleaning

Prun stone is a highly absorbent natural stone, and is therefore sensitive to acids (like any other natural stone). As it is a very porous and absorbent product, it is at risk of staining and it is natural that this should happen: whether due to rotten leaves or domestic accidents, it cannot be avoided. Over time it will look less white and more worn, but this is also the beauty of natural materials: to see them change over time, without ever losing their beauty. 

However, we can try to maintain its beauty at its best by using non-acidic cleaning products and, if possible, products designed specifically for cleaning natural stone.

We talk about this in this article: Treatment of natural stone

Prun stone for a driveway in Vicenza

FAQ: answers to our readers

If you frequent the pages of our website you will have come across articles in which we answer individual questions from our readers. Below is a list of the most common questions asked about Prun Stone:




Prun stone outside

Prun stone inside

Laying a stone floor in Lonigo (Vicenza)

Prun stone and other marbles in an exterior in Verona

Other uses for Lessinia stone on the floor

Lessinia stone ready for laying on the floor

Information, characteristics and problems with Prun Stone

But to learn more about Prun Stone, we invite you to read the following in-depth articles where we describe the characteristics of this material, its applications as an interior and exterior floor covering, the colours available, the surface treatments... 

If this information is not enough for you, we are always at your disposal in our two shops where we keep the stone always ready for delivery, so that you can choose the one you like best. 
Make an appointment now using the form below: we are waiting for you!

Here are the addresses of our shops specialising in floors, wall tiles, bathrooms and kitchens:

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36071 COSTO DI ARZIGNANO (Vicenza) 

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36053 GAMBELLARA (Vicenza)

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Make an appointment to realise your exterior:

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