Split stones from all over the world

Welcome to the "slate" wiki, the place where we will keep you up to date on everything you need to know about the subject and show you achievements in which we have used this material!

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Slate is a metamorphic rock with a low degree of metamorphism. In Italy, there are slates that are leaden grey in colour but also black tending towards blue or violet. Others, of African or South American origin, have more vivid colours tending towards ochre, yellow or green. Slate is made up of granules of quartz, feldspar and carbon substances bound together by clay minerals. 

The slates extracted in France, England and Italy (Val Canonica, Valsassina, Valbrembana) are used for roofing, flooring, cladding, and, reduced to powder, as an inert material in foundries or for the production of paints. Among the various types of slate, the best known is the "lavagna". 

Coloured slate wall tiles for offices in Chiampo, Vicenza

The characteristics of slate

Slate slabs are generally very regular and uniform and have many characteristics:

  1. They have high elasticity and flexural strength;
  2. Once cured, slate has low levels of absorption and low porosity, making it resistant to frost attack and very unlikely to stain.
  3. Slate is recognised for its high resistance to fire, due to the very low coefficient of dilatability of slates, making them almost non-deformable;
  4. It has good mechanical and impact resistance.

These characteristics make it ideal for flooring, paving and skirting. Traditionally, it is used for roofing, indoor and outdoor paving, doorways, stair treads and, of course, school slates!

Slate wall tiles in Vicenza

Slate effect porcelain stoneware

Did you know that thanks to new technological advances you can reproduce the texture of slate on a tile? If you are particularly concerned about the cleaning and treatment of natural stone, you may want to opt for slate-effect porcelain stoneware

You can enjoy the beauty of this natural material, but with all the advantages of stoneware: durability, high resistance to mechanical force, ease of cleaning, low porosity. Some tiles even manage to reproduce the texture of stone thanks to 3D processing!

You can find out more in this article: stone effect gres

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