Walk-in shower: benefits and problems

10/22/2019 - 17:24

Elegance and minimalism: these are the keyword for a free-enter shower space that combine easy cleaning with a refined aesthetic. If you dream a refined and modern bathroom, this is the choice. But what are the problems and what the benefits of a walk-in-shower? 

The walk-in shower is an object of desire in the modern bathrooms. If you're reading this page you probably you are renovating your bathroom and... are you thinking about a new, big, shower? 

Showers has evolved a lot in recent years, probably it's, nowadays, the most important space inside the bathroom. In this article I will tell you about this new trend, to built walk-in showers - because you need to know well benefits and problems, before to plan this in your new bathroom. If you read this article you will avoid mistakes that I sometimes see on construction sites.

Enjoy the reading. 

Walk-in shower with radiator inside

Walk-in showers in showroom

Walk-in shower, not only benefits

The shower with total protection, closed with sliding glass doors, to which we are used, today is replaced by free entry showers. Someone calls them also "free entry" or "open space shower", we prefer: "walk-in showers".  

When you consider to use this kind of showers, please don't just look to the aesthetic advantages, to the ability to enhance minimal style, and to the easy cleanability, but also consider the problems of the open space shower and how to face and solve them.

Walk in shower video, before and after

Open shower: the benefits

So, in a Walk-In shower you could enter without open or slide any doors. It's shower space where you are not "locked up" (someone else would say "protected") from a shower glass cabin.
This has some obvious benefits:

► Minimal design
► Big space for shower
► Easy accessibility
► Possibility to help elderly or minors
► No need of maintenance of door hinges
► No need of maintenance of door seal
► Easy cleaning
► Lower cost
► Less risk of crystal breakage compared to a shower cabin

Two big samples of walk-in showers

Walk in shower's problems

A walk-in shower also has some problems.
The main ones are the result of bad design or bad project.

  • it's colder than a closed cabin shower
  • water could comes out and wet the floor outside the shower 
  • requires a lot of space to realize it

Maybe you could accept the cold, and also the wet on the floor (it it is not wooden floor) but there are technical way to avoid this problems.


A bathroom with walk-in shower in Verona

Walk-in first problem: cold! 

Because of the convection phenomenon, the colder air is attracted in the shower space where it is warmer and your naked body will be hit by this breeze. Water drops at a temperature of 36/37 degrees against while, in the rest of the bathroom, the temperature it's 22/25 degrees. If you want to experience this phenomenon, just leave the door of your shower box open!  You will easily realize the difference between taking a shower in an open or closed space.

You can solve this problem for example thanks to a "radiant wall" inside the shower box. Or arrange a bath radiator in the shower space.
While nebulizers are not helpful.

A walk-in shower completed in Vicenza

Walk-in shower problem n° 2: water on the floor

A correct sizing of the walk-in shower should be able to avoid wet on the floor outside the shower. But it's impossible to avoid completely.

This is why:

  • the bathroom floor should not be wood (wooden parquet and humidity do not get along)
  • paint the walls with a moisture-resistant product.
  • no wood skirting board, please.

Walk-in shower and large ceramic slabs marble effect

Walk-in shower, problem n° 3: space!

If it is true that a Walk-In shower could be installed in any bathroom, it is also true that in order to be properly sized and to avoid the problems mentioned above, it is important to leave it an important space. 

In our opinion, an open shower should never be smaller than 160 centimeters in length and 80 in width.

Certainly a large bathroom can easily hold a walk-in shower of these sizes, but for smaller bathrooms please consider the classic shower box.

Thanks for reading. 

Unfortunately only  few pages of our website are translated in English but if you need information or prices of our products, please let us know by e-mail your request and we will reply as soon as possible...in English of course :) 

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