Air conditioners

Air conditioners are systems that give the air in an enclosed space the desired purity, humidity and temperature characteristics. 

A modern air conditioner essentially consists of an air intake pump, a filter unit, a heat exchanger, a chiller, a humidifier and a control unit for the entire system. 

The first building built with an air conditioning system was the Equitable Saving and Loan Association building designed by Pietro Belluschi in 1948 in Portland, Oregon, USA. 

Air conditioners in Vicenza and Verona

On this page we will take a closer look at the subject of air conditioning, we will accompany you in your choice, we will analyse some models highlighting pros and cons.
We will also collect some projects carried out in the areas of Vicenza and Verona, where we operate. 
Finally, we will collect suggestions and advice, technical instructions and frequently asked questions on the subject of air conditioning. 

How to choose an air conditioner

The first article we suggest you read is a small guide to choosing an air conditioner: you will find information on the layout, the features that should not be missing in a modern air conditioner, suggestions on brands and models:  

Guide to choosing an air conditioner