ROLE: 3D Renderist & Designer
OFFICE: Costo di Arzignano

MOTTO: Live the life you have imagined.





Angelica Meggiolaro

Who is Angelica?

Born on 21 January 1997 in Arzignano, she studied at the Boscardin Art School and pursued her artistic vein at the Palladio Design Institute in Verona.

Angelica joined the Costo di Arzignano team in 2020, led by Chiara Pellizzari, as a renderist and 3D designer. Initially working alongside Ilaria Tognolo, she learned and developed her skills as a designer in the field of interiors and furniture. Today she mainly supports Chiara in the digitisation of her projects, but offers support to the whole team working in the Arzignano office!


Colleagues say about Angelica

Angelica has proved to be a great right-hand man for the team and her willingness to learn, integrate into the group and engage has allowed her to continue her journey within Fratelli Pellizzari. She loves teamwork and finds it just as important as all the members of this company. The large and unique group in Arzignano works closely together every day, interfacing with each other in a continuous creative exchange aimed at improvement.

Who better than those who live you most of the week to tell you who you are and how you work? So here are some of the thoughts on Angelica that her colleagues wanted to share:


Angelica Meggiolaro


Her style: keep improving

Angelica has recently finished her studies and feels she still has a lot to learn. But little by little in the Arzignano office she is improving her graphic skills and refining her aesthetic taste in terms of furnishings, use of colours, materials and style. Convinced of the importance of always improving herself, she tries to take inspiration from everything around her and from those who came before her: so she notices the colours that go best with them, how materials are used, what elements are used to create a certain atmosphere. This keen eyesight is gradually allowing her to become a little more independent in her work. 

Observing colleagues in the sector through social networks is also helping her to determine her style more and more concretely, which she identifies as eclectic and particular. Despite this preference, she knows that the client's vision and needs come first: you have to choose elements that fit the individual's personality and that, at the same time, you think are right for him, even if he doesn't really realise it yet. For her, in fact: "Design is being able to create objects or environments that can satisfy the customer's needs, but also go beyond his expectations. Design should create emotions and amaze."


Some of his works originated from colleagues' projects

Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro
Angelica Meggiolaro


Contact us!

If you are interested in the renovation or realisation of your home or business and you are in the Vicenza and Verona areas, you can contact us at the company's general number! We will be happy to accompany and advise you on the journey of realising your new space. Whether it's floors, wall tiles, bathrooms, kitchens or furniture, you can find us in the Gambellara office and in the Costo di Arzignano office!

NUMBER: 0444649038          EMAIL: [email protected]