Best brands of ceramic tiles, made in Italy

In our shops in Vicenza you can find ceramic tiles from a wide range of brands, that we suggest in our shops in Vicenza e Verona.

  • Every day we dedicate time to consider new product, new surfaces and new colours. We pay attention to design, we study new tiles and how they could be use, how they interact with other materials 
  • We in person go to visit the factories, located mainly in Modena, in order to see how they produce tiles. We decided to do this because we want to ensure the good quality of porcelain stoneware and ceramic, that you are going to select for your home.
  • We thoroughly investigate with the intention of understanding if the tile's producers operate respecting the environment, ethic and workers.
  • We prefer Italian manufactures, we prefer tiles made in Italy, not only to support work in our country but also because we think that Italian design, in tiles, is the best in the world. 
  • We want to meet in person the manufactures of tiles, with the aim to understand if we and especially you can trust them.

The tails you are going to find in our shop are produced by outstanding companies, that are continuously pursuit excellence and that are a pride for our country.

Here follow our brands:

Wikipelli: Our Brands






Refin Ceramiche

Refin Ceramiche tiles

Fratelli Pellizzari company is a point of sale of Ceramiche Refin tiles in Vicenza. Ceramiche Refin is a company, that was founded in Sassuolo in 1961. At the beginning it produced “biscotto” on behalf of third parties, which is a semi-finished product. Later it will need to be glazed in order to obtain double-fired tiles. Gradually the company turned into complete cycle manufactured in order to produce double firing and single firing for the red paste floor.

The production activity and the trading of “biscotto” was decommissioned in 1983, in favor of producing single firing tiles in white paste. In the 90s they began to manufacture porcelain stoneware and glazed. In 1998 Refin company was purchased by Atlas group, with the aim of restore it. The company is having a business growth thanks to the collaboration with designers and stylists and the creation of an advanced researched laboratory, named Design Tale Studio. What we like most about their creations are these lines “Graffiti” (modern design), “Arte Pura” (collection signed by Daniela Dalla Valle), Artwork (spatula effect), Plant (it looks like rough plaster).


Retailers of Fioranese in Vicenza and Verona

This company was founded 50 years ago and it is famous for the ceramic tiles which are used in order to build basing on creativity, expression, dynamicity, originality and renovation. The aim is: “The designing of floors in an Italian style in order to meet the world”. This is possible thanks to the production processes characterized by quality and technological innovation. Fioranese is one of the most influential company of indoor and outdoor floors and facings because of the variety of the formats, a wide range of decorations and prices. 

Fioranese has a rich and complete range of coatings, floors and mosaic and it constantly update the formats, surfaces, and colours of porcelain stoneware in order to follow the new trends. We mainly use the line “cementine”, available in different colours and patterns.


Retailers of Bisazza in Vicenza and Verona

Fratelli Pellizzari company is a point of sale of Bisazza mosaics in Vicenza. The company was founded in 1956 in Montecchio Maggiore by Renato Bisazza. Bisazza is one of the most luxurious brands, which has made the history of the mosaic. Today it is still one of the most important world producers of glass mosaic, that is used indoor and outdoor. The company has always anticipated the needs of the global market. The distribution includes 2,800 retailers in the world.

Bisazza has increased its decorative possibilities and new material in order to combine the design and the fashion of craftsmanship. The floorings are always awaited by famous designers. Among these are floorings in wood and coverings in “marmette”. But its core business is glass or enamelled mosaic, in the sizes 1x1 and 2x2 and in the rectangular size 2x5, in the following versions: “vetricolor” and “gemme”.


Officinarkitettura customizes your house

Retailers of Officinaarkitettura in Vicenza and Verona

It is a new company that was founded in the period of crisis for the architectural sector. Thanks to the diversity that distinguishes them they had success and began to compete with the most famous brands of the market. What distinguishes them is coldest printing on large slabs. This technique takes little time and this advantage considering that are customized items.

“It is a tiny business that never stops”. Their collection represents Italian art, paintings or street artists’ pictures. These works are reproduced on tiles and wallpaper.


Flaviker ceramics: retailers in Vicenza

We are a point of sale of Flaviker in Vicenza e in Verona. It is a new company, that was founded in the 70s. It always anticipates the trends and that is why it is considered the pioneer of several products. Today it is a ABK group’s member and it deals with innovation, design and sustainable echo sensitivity.

It wants to satisfy architects and designers’ needs. Flaviker company deals with contemporary surfaces created with technological innovation in order to offer high quality product. Every single collection is different from the other due to the designer who created it. This leads to a distinctive trait in every location.

What we use from their creation are the marble effect tiles, such as the line SUPREME and their wood look porcelain tiles. Their products offer an advantage compared to other competitors. Due to innovative raw material a greater flexibility and adherence are obtained. This new technology is known as “auto-leveling” and it is used in COZY, HANGAR and DAKOTA collection.

Abk Ceramics

Retailers of ABK in Vicenza and Verona

Fratelli Pellizzarri is a point of sale in Vicenza of ABK. The company was founded in 1992 and it focused on ceramics for coatings. Later on ABK began production of porcelain stoneware floors and product with a focus on quality, design and often they manage to anticipate market trends.

Today ABK group is one of the five manufacturers of laminated stoneware. From their production in our shops you can find slabs in the sizes 120x120 and 120x240. The production is set in two different locations: Finale Emilia and Solignano.

Lea Ceramiche, ceramic tiles

Point of sale of Lea Ceramiche in Vicenza and Verona

Fratelli Pellizzari company is one of Lea Ceramiche’s retailers in Vicenza and in Verona. Lea Ceramiche is famous for its minimal and technical product. It is set in 80 countries in the world, such as USA, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Holland, Belgium and Japan. Lea Ceramiche is member of Panariagroup. Due to the investments they made, their collection increased and they obtained high quality products also thanks to stylistic research, aesthetic and performance.

One of their most famous product is “Slimtech”, a laminated stoneware which has a minimum thickness of 3mm and the size of 1-meter x 3-meters. This product has revolutionised the ceramic floorings and coverings. 

Laminam - slabs and ceramics

Laminam’s retailer in Vicenza and Verona

We are a point of sale of Laminam in Vicenza and Verona. Laminam is a company that was founded in 2001 thanks to the engineer Franco Stefani, who has renewed the ceramic industry.

Laminam produces low-thickness ceramics that can be used both indoor and outdoor, for furnishment or design. Their production focuses on antibacterial, self-cleaning and anti-odour subareas.

Ascot ceramics

Ascot in Fratelli Pellizzari 

We are dealers of Ascot in Vicenza and Verona. Ascot was founded 30 years ago in Sassuolo and there are set the production and research laboratories. This company is well known for the research in natural raw materials, argil and minerals that then are transformed in ceramic tiles and coverings.

Today Ascot, due to Digital Technology can offer extraordinary collection that are indicated for decoration of subareas and give the rooms brightness and depth. In addition to stoneware they also produce BITECH, a double firing covering that are colourful, bright and decorative. You should not miss the collection signed by the great artist Keith Haring.

Vogue - the colors' specialists

Retailers of Vogue Ceramica in Vicenza and Verona

The company was founded in 1978 and began to cooperate with designers. It is one of the most important companies that produces ecological tiles in glazed stoneware. These kind of tiles can be employed indoor and outdoor and in different locations such as: schools, restaurants’ kitchens, hospitals and pools. 

Their catalogue is very extensive and offers various prices and different types of combinations. Vogue is well-known not only in Italy but all over the world: in the USA, in Russia and also in China, because of their attention to technical aspects. Vogue is a member of the Altaeco S.p.A group and produces 2,500,000 m2 of tiles annually, employing around 140 employees. 

We really enjoy to play with Vogue’s colours and sizes instead of the boring grey.

Sant'Agostino Ceramics

Sant’Agostino in Vicenza: in our shop you can find the tiles’ exhibition.

Fratelli Pellizzari is a point of sale of Sant’Antonio in Vicenza and Verona. The company began production in Ferrara in 1964. It is set far away from the other companies that produces tiles and due to this their collections are all innovative and it is independent.

The company invests in production processes and innovation. It operates completely in Italy and here manufactures a wide range of high quality products suitable for classic or modern coverings.

We usually design using these series of tiles: Tailorart, Digitalart, Shadebox Pictart e Blendart that are very particular. A spacial line is Set a collection that takes up the spectacular Venetian-style flooring by Carlo Scarpa.

Casalgrande Padana Tiles

Casalgrande Padana in Vicenza

Point of sale of Casalgrande Padana in Vicenza and Verona. For over 50 years the company manufactures ceramic tiles and produces only in Italy. It is formed by six plants all located near Sassuolo, emloyes 1000 employees and produces approximately 24,000,000 square metres of porcelain tiles per year.

Casalgrande Padana cooperates with Toto, a Japanese company, and together launched “Bios Ceramics” a line of eco-friendly bioactive ceramics. There are two main types: a self-cleaning ceramic and an antibacterial ceramic, both photocatalytic.

The production range is vast and includes all types of porcelain stoneware for indoor and outdoor and large slabs. For the residential we like these series: Resina, Pietre di Sardegna and Antique Wood.

La Fabbrica Ceramiche, ceramic tiles

Retailer of La Fabbrica Ceramiche in Vicenza and Verona.

La Fabbrica Ceramiche is a company that produces porcelain stoneware floorings and wall tiles. Their products are never banal, indeed they have a refined and glamorous style. Obviously they manufacture also most classic series, if you don’t like to risk too much.

From their collection we really like the metallic lines, the resin decorations and the decided colours, in fact their proposals can be distinguished from the mass. Fabbrica Ceramiche’s lines that we employ most are two: a modern stone effect one a wood effect stoneware.

Settecento , mosaic and ceramics

Settecento’s ceramic: retailers in Vicenza

We are reseller of Settecento in Vicenza e Verona. This company was founded in 1969 in Fiorano Mondanese, the native land of ceramic. In 1993 Settecento acquired the brand “Valtresinaro” and cooperated in order to manufacture unique product.

The business presence is set in 70 countries and the turnover exceeds 20 million euro, due to this it is the global market leader. Floors and coverings are never banal, in fact, they are rich in creativity, artisanal decorations, brilliance and three-dimensionality.

We use from their collection well-groomed and elegant coatings and wood effect floorings.

Appiani Mosaici, mosaics

Resellers of Appiani in Vicenza

We have been resellers of Ceramica Appiani in Vicenza e Verona since 1996. We decided to cooperate with this company, which was founded in 1873, because of its high quality product that they obtain from the process technique known as single-press. This technique allows to manufacture shiny enamels but resistant. Today Appiani is a member of the Bardelli group,which is known to collaborate with the most important designers.

Appiani’s catalogue has expanded and the architect who approaches their mosaics an almost infinite design. Different kind of subareas, new textures, geometric, linear or sinuous decorations. Come to visit us and together we can explore Appiani’s world. 

Appiani Ceramics: catalogue and references.

Rex Artistic Ceramics

Rex: Pellizzari is a retailer of Rex in Vicenza and Verona.

Rex company manufactures based on luxury, fashion and sensuality. It combines the external beauty and the elements that nature offers us for the creation of flooring.

Modern design trends thus find their purpose in every space, both residential and hotel, restaurants, shops and wellness centres. Different materials are employed such us: wood, marble, stone and ivory and together intertwine and create a sensual atmosphere, thanks to the slabs’ size: 160x320 cm.

The collection we like most are: La Roche, Ardoise, Pietre del Nord, Selection Oak, I marmi di Rex and Alabastri.

Ceramiche Grazia, ceramic tiles

Grazia Ceramiche: retailer in Vicenza and Verona.

Point of sale of Ceramiche Grazia in Vicenza and Verona. The company was founded in 1970 and its production focuses on ceramics. The initial idea of maintaining an artistic production also conditioned the productive choices, in fact, it was decided to maintain the production of traditional double firing tiles.

Grazia’s product are semi-artisanal and with a strong artistic, refined and classic style. We emlpoyed their tiles in the in the renovation of villas and palaces. Their product are high quality and with a strong aesthetic taste.

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