A bathroom in Verona: wood and cementine

Childhood is the ground on which we will walk
all our lives..

_Lya Luft_

12/13/2021 - 08:56

Natural and practical materials for a bathroom dedicated to the youngest members of the family: Andrea and Greta talk about how the project was born, publishing photos of all the phases of its realisation.

Argomento Wiki

The wooden floor in the attic

They call and make an appointment for Thursday afternoon: our clients are a young couple with small children and very specific needs.

They tell us straight away that they are a large, noisy family and that they want to create a space for their children where they can play freely. They tell us about their old attic with its crooked walls, which has not been used for many years, and how they want to turn it into a safe and fun place for their children.

Their house, designed by a colleague years ago, is rustic and cosy and the attic should follow the same philosophy. But it has to be practical!

That's when we suggested a wooden floor for them to live on, a varnished oak, with a very lively grain, which is not afraid to be scissor-stripped and coloured with brushes.

The children's bathroom project

With all this in mind, the bathroom for the little ones had to reflect this: a fun and dynamic room.

And how to do that?

First of all, we needed colour! We immediately thought of cementine, 30x30 tiles with a variety of geometries.

find out more about cementine

To give continuity, we didn't want the parquet floor to border the corridor, so we designed an intersection with the wooden floor that enters the bathroom and also covers the wall of the cabinet.  

During the laying of the cementines...

Did you know that parquet is the last surface to be laid in the house? 

In this bathroom it is the wood that fits the pattern created by the cement tiles! So below you see the first laying step:

Laying cementine in this bathroom in Vicenza

Cementine and parquet: a game of joints

Do you notice any difference from the initial design?

Yes, our customers liked the first solution right away, but knowing how much their children like to play with splashing water during the evening tooth brushing, they asked us to cover the wall behind the cabinet with stoneware tiles. 

The wooden cladding was moved to the opposite wall, the wall of the sanitary ware.

Installing bathroom furniture in this modern bathroom, Vicenza

And the bathroom furniture? Indestructible!

All the details of this bathroom have been thought out and designed to create a safe and practical environment.

We would also like to draw your attention to the choice of taps: strictly stainless steel, an indestructible material, even childproof!

the stainless steel bathroom tapware

Design your bathroom with Andrea and Greta, write to them here!

To make an appointment in one of our offices in Gambellara or Cost of Arzignano, in the province of Vicenza, fill in the following form and we will contact you shortly.
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ROLE: Interior designer and salesaman
FIELDS: Interior and exterior floors, Bathrooms, Furniture
OFFICE: Gambellara

MOTTO: We are all apprentices in a profession where we never become masters.




ROLE: Designer saleswoman specialised in the bathroom sector
OFFICE: Gambellara

MOTTO: Life is a huge canvas: pour all the colours you can onto it.




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