Alberto will take you through the process of discovering stone wool thermal insulation, describing the steps one by one. Ready to find out more?

Rock wool thermal insulation

Hi, I'm Alberto, and as site technician and head of the construction sector at Fratelli Pellizzari di Costo di Arzignano, I'd like to take you on this tour of the homes of our customers who have worked with us to create an external thermal coat for their homes

I usually manage construction sites in their early stages and then pass the ball to the interior designers who take care of the floors, walls and furnishings, so we provide a complete service in a renovation that we follow step by step. In this case, and a few others that have increased with the advent of the 110% bonus, customers have come to us only for the coat, insulation and exterior painting.

The house was bought by these gentlemen with the aim of renovating it entirely and then moving in, and my task was to manage the team that made the external coat and roof insulation possible.

A coat system with a rock wool panel was chosen, which I recommended for its dual function of thermal and acoustic insulation. You should know that, together with the clients, we evaluated all the materials, but we chose the wool because it allows us to integrate these two important features in a single product, which are necessary in this house, considering that it is located in Valdagno near a road.

We often ask our customers how they came to know about us and how they chose us, and this time it was their contractor who advised them to put their trust in us: they came here with clear ideas because they followed the right procedure, which involves first consulting a technical office, more specifically a thermo-technician, who calculated the 12 cm thickness of their coat so as to qualify for the 65% energy bonus.


Start of construction

Thermal insulation under construction

High intensity supports

Skimming the thermal coat

From thermal insulation to painting

Thank you ?‍♂️

Thank you to this couple of customers, and their contractor, who chose to commission such an important part of their home from us.

Thanks also to you, who chose to read this technical but hopefully interesting article!

At the moment, and until 2022, we are not in a position to respond to the growing demand for these building projects increased by the 110% bonus because we are saturated. It is not in fact our main sector, as I told you at the beginning of this article we are used to deal with building work only in the solution in which the final customer entrusts us with all the finishes and furnishings of their home, this is what we were born to do!

If you too need to restructure your entire home, you can make your appointment by filling out the form below with the day and time of your choice.

I would like to make it clearer that we are a small company, a group of interior designers, technicians and craftsmen, who like to find the right solutions and work with beautiful, refined, Made in Italy materials. We don't do huge jobs, we deal with houses and work with families who live in our area. We will certainly not be the cheapest of all because we provide a range of services (which are included in the final price) including advice, design, inspections, assistance during the work and a 10-year guarantee on completion of the work.

If you think we are right for you and you live (or will live) in the provinces of Verona and Vicenza, you can visit us in our shops and design the finishes of your home with us.

Here are the addresses of our two branches where you can talk to our interior designers who specialise in floors, walls, bathrooms and kitchens:

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36071 COSTO DI ARZIGNANO (Vicenza) 

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Bagni, Cucine e Superfici
36053 GAMBELLARA (Vicenza)

[email protected]

We work by appointment so that we can concentrate fully on you

Make your appointment for the complete renovation of your home:

Per fissare un appuntamento in una delle nostre sedi a Gambellara o Costo di Arzignano, in provincia di Vicenza, compila il seguente modulo e ti ricontatteremo entro breve.

Dove vuoi fissare l'appuntamento?
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