Flaviker presents a new collection: Hangar, a concrete effect porcelain stoneware. This type of stoneware is suitable in different kind of locations, indoor or outdoor, in residences or in offices. We wait you in our shops if you want some more information.

Flaviker Hangar

This Flaviker’s new project was possible thanks to a recent production facility, known as CONTINUA+, that allows to produce sturdy but at the same time lightweight, the tightness is 7mm and a record size: 180x320 cm.

This new production system provides for the dry compaction of raw materials and allows to obtain surfaces appreciable both from the aesthetic and for technical performance.


4 different colours

The collection has a ceramic surface of the and it is available in 4 different colours: 


Hangar Ash

ash colour flaviker hangar


Hangar Smoke 

smoke flaviker color hangar


Hangar Coal 

coal hangar flaviker


Hangar Sand 

sand flaviker hangar tile


Its surface is inspired by wood, marble, stone that reminds to industrial concrete and create unique residential and commercial location.


Where can they be used?

This line of porcelain stoneware is suitable both for covering and flooring, in any area, whether residential, executive or commercial.

The thickness is 7 mm and allows to obtain an efficient resistance and also to reduce the weight in order to facilitate the handling. The tile is lightweight thanks to the combination of the dough, the thickness, the size and due to this it is easy to lay.

The dough formulation combined with the dry combination and the firing in innovative ovens generates a stoneware easily cutable and workable. The dough contains the minimum 40% of quality raw materials recovered from other production processes thus making this product sustainable.

The main qualities of the material are: robustness, resistance to thermal changes, low thickness and ease of processing.

Hangar porcelain stoneware, Flaviker

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